Swim Smarter, Not Harder!
Training is now available for new and experienced instructors wanting to teach infant/toddler private swim lessons and run their own swim school. See the Affiliated Instructor Page for More Information
Features the Fast Start to SwimSmart Program
Where kids Thrive not just Survive!
Intensive Lessons to take you to the next level
Smart Babies
Smart babies have survival skills to aid in the effort to prevent infant drownings. These babies are taught to roll to their backs and float when placed into water. Babies are NEVER thrown in! Babies can be taught additional swimming skills. The beginning age is about 6 months once the baby can sit independently.
If you are not needing the basic survival skills, then babies can use their natural kicking reflex to swim between mom/dad while developing increased breath control and water confidence. Independent back floating is also taught in with this program.
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Smart Toddlers/Preschoolers
Children learn to THRIVE and not just survive.
Children from 12mos-5 years old are taught basic swimming skills including self-rescue skills, breath control, swimming with face in the water, independent back floating, rolling to float to breath, safe water entry, and basic play skills. Safety is a core value of this program.
Parents are asked to be in the pool during lessons and are taught how to work with their children outside of lessons. You will gain confidence in knowing the skill level of your child and being able to continue skill development beyond the lesson. The more practice your child can get using the techniques you learn during lessons, the faster they will become proficient swimmers.
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Fast Start to Swim Smart
Smart Kids
Smart Kids is a pre-stroke development program. Children 6+ who are non-swimmers or children who have not acquired independent swimming skills are encouraged to take this program. Emphasis is placed on creating correct swimming postures by introducing the student to buoyancy, breath control and proper movement including flutter kicking and long arms. Play behavior is also introduced so children can use their skills beyond just doing "strokes". Safety is also a key component of this program.
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Candice, Prosper TX 2021
This is by far our favorite swim teacher ever. The amazingness she is able to pull out of these kids is stunning. Carla is the perfect blend of love and no nonsense. My son looked forward to seeing her each day during our 6 weeks and my daughter begged me for lessons with her this year. She was able to get my daughter over her new found fear of the pool.
Micah, Prosper TX 2021
My two-year-old swims like a fish now! Miss Carla’s methods and approach were exactly what my little girl needed. I now have a peace watching her swim because she is confident and knows what to do. Carla makes each 10 minute lesson fun with toys and the kids look forward to their time with her. Plus, the kids make QUICK progress. She works magic!
Ramsey, Frisco TX 2021
Ms. Carla is the best!! My oldest son (6 years) is completely water safe thanks to Carla, and has been for years! We had a scary situation this summer where my youngest (newly 3 years) fell into the water while my back was turned, and thanks to Ms. Carla and our lessons with Swim Smart School, he just swam to the side and got out safely. What could have been the worst moment of our lives was a non-event. BEST INVESTMENT YOU COULD EVER MAKE FOR YOUR CHILD!!!